ACADEMIC YEAR 2008 - 2009




bulletbullet Ionized and non ionized radiations - properties and protection measures prof. L.H.Margaritis PART A
bulletbullet Lecture video


bulletbullet Ionized and non ionized radiations - properties and protection measures prf L.H.Margaritis PART Β
bulletbullet Lecture video



bulletbullet Ionized and non ionized radiations prof L.H.Margaritis
bulletbullet Lecture video



bulletbullet Ionized and non ionized radiations,prof L.H.Margaritis ,PART B
bulletbullet Lecture video
bulletbullet Ionized and non ionized radiations, prof L.H.Margaritis PART C
bulletbullet Ionized video



bulletbullet Ionized radiations prof L.H.Margaritis  PART A
bulletbullet Ionized radiations prof L.H.Margaritis  PART Β
bulletbullet Ionized radiations prof L.H.Margaritis  PART C



bulletbullet Ionized radiations, PART A -Properties Dr. D. I. Panagopoulos
bulletbullet Ionized radiations, PART B -Biological Effects Dr. D. I. Panagopoulos



bulletbullet Non ionized radiations PART A - Properties Dr. D. I. Panagopoulos
bulletbullet Non ionized radiations PART B - Biological Effects Dr. D. I. Panagopoulos



bulletbullet Exercise Radiation Biophysics 14:30 - 16:30
bulletbullet Exercise Radiation Biophysics 17:00 - 19:00
bulletbullet Video PART A
bulletbullet Video PART B
bulletbullet Video PART C




bulletbullet Radiobiology applications PART A - prof. L.H.Margaritis
bulletbullet Radiobiology applications PART B - prof. L.H.Margaritis
bulletbullet Examples for the exams
bulletbullet Examples for the Exams PART A
bulletbullet Examples for the Exams PART B